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Butterfly, Bee & more!


Recently I went to a nearby arboretum on a hot & humid afternoon. I was strolling through a flower garden, chasing down butterflies, moths & bees. Looking at those little wonderful creatures, it sounded like they were talking to each other & I was able to understand their language.

Bee 1: Whoa! Such a hot afternoon! No wonder we don’t see a single human around these days. They must be lazying in their sofas with the AC on. Such pitiful life we are going through, toiling hard in the hot sun.

Butterfly: That’s true! But look at the upsides – we are among these beautiful flowers filled with color & sunlight rather than dark closed brick walls. And better, tasting the heavenly nectar.

Moth: Hey look! A guy is staring at us watching through a huge dark barrel.

I figured out it was referring to me & mentioning about my camera lens.

Bee 2: Ah! Here comes the human. They work hard just for themselves & care little about their surroundings. When was the last time did we see a bunch of them visiting a garden, let alone taking care of it. Years!

Butterfly: That’s not completely true. Many do care about nature. It’s just that they need to pause in their busy lives and notice the beauty around them. They need to understand that greenery & gardens are vital too for their own selves & life on earth. We just need work more hard, create a beautiful garden & get them to notice it.

Bee 1: Alright agreed! Let’s get back to work. Hopefully this guy goes back & brings more people.

I was just standing there, awoke, amazed & inspired.

Butterfly, Bee & More from Sriram Gullapalli on Vimeo.

This above was originally posted on Facebook by me on August 21, 2016
