Hit me up on social & leave a message about what you think.

Twenty years from now, your notebook can be filled with beautiful letters to yourself rather than blank pages. So take a stride & write without hesitation or doubt.

 In the heart of Pest of Europe’s Hungary,
 abode a girl - adorable, joyous & alluring.

 The city’s glamour as renowned it stands,
 falls a tad short of her grace & elegance.

 Bearing the curliest swirls & radiant eyes,
 an enchanting smile & an innocent heart.

 Smart, sassy & a dedicated one at work,
 And behold, she’s damn fit to snatch a bit.

 She’s caring, loving & utmost kind at heart,
 explores & celebrates every hour of her life.

 She’s the one; The Girl from Budapest,
 She’s the one who’s beautiful in & out. 
